ASSE-Certified Backflow Testers in New Jersey

Please select your county from below to view the ASSE Certified Backflow Testers in your area.

In addition to the ASSE (American Society of Sanitary Engineers) list of NJ Certified Backflow Prevention Device Testers on the above map, the NJ DEP provides a listing of Certified Backflow Prevention Device Testers at NJDEP-Division of Water Supply & Geoscience ( Linking to this page will lead you the NJ DEP list of certifying agencies approved in the New Jersey Safe Drinking Water Act. N.J.A.C. 7:10‐10.8 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to certify individuals as certified testers of backflow prevention devices. Please understand that ASSE Certification is one of the certifying agencies and is accepted by NJ DEP. Each certifying agency may have a current list of certified testers available through the certifying agencies’ website listed therein.

Note: NAWSC makes every effort to keep the list of certified testers current, however, there may occasionally be inaccurate information on this site. Individuals that need to obtain the services of a certified tester should ask the tester if his or her certification is still current. Certified testers have the responsibility to keep their phone numbers current by informing this office if there is any change. NAWSC is not responsible for any damages to any party due to inaccurate information contained in this certified testers listing.